Monday, January 21, 2008

Tip of the Month

How many times have you gone grocery shopping with good healthy food intentions? You would buy some fresh produce, with the intent to prepare a few dishes from scratch. With that in mind, how many times at the end of the week did you throw out that moldy onion, celery etc. because there was no time for your good intentions. Or, how many times did you find yourself in the mood to start cooking something, then when you open the fridge, you don’t have an onion (if you do, it’s gone rotten). Well, I have a simple solution to commonly used fresh ingredients always being around when you need them.

Step One:
Go to the dollar store and buy a few ice cube trays (a different colour from ones you already have if possible).
Dice all your onions and sauté them until soft, then let them cool.
Step Two:
Yup, you guessed it….fill the ice cube trays with the cooked diced onions and freeze. Once frozen (next day) remove them and keep them in a freezer zip lock bag until ready to use. Now, whenever you need some cooked onions in a recipe (like soup or cooked meat) toss in an onion cube. I won’t argue fresh is best, but the cube is better then no onions at all.
Another related tip (don’t ever mix up your real ice cube tray with your new onion (any food) tray……unless you like the flavour of onion in your ice tea! (yuck!).
Try this tip with garlic, ginger, celery etc.